Look for someone who won’t leave you alone

Look for someone who won't leave you alone

Looking for someone put you as their priority and never thought of leaving you no matter what. ~ Nana Ly 

Stand beside and hold their hand. Stand behind them to be their back up if they need it or catch them if they fall. Don’t make them feel like they are alone, they might be feeling alone even if someone is standing there so pay attention and speak with them. ~ Linda DuBeck 

You want someone who doesn’t walk behind you, yet won’t walk in front of you but will come along and take your hand and walk beside you. That would be heavenly! ~ Roberta Thompson

We need sometimes just someone to ask us if we’re fine, someone that tells us that our situation might be hard but everything has an end, we might know that so well but we feel much better if someone said it. Sometimes we need someone to say that he will be here for us at lifetime and never leave us, we need someone to tell us that life is simple and wonderful and that is when we feel really lonely. No one will ever feel your pain, no one will ever solve all problems arising in way, but a kind word from them lightens the hope in our hearts. That weird moment when you burst crying in your room. It feels really harsh, but if someone just entered suddenly and looked at you or just asked you about matter you would feel better because at our sorrow sometimes loneliness joins in this funeral breaking your heart, melting candle of hope, destroying dreams in mind because when we feel sad especially girls, all the events that created sorrow back up to the mind and create a tear with 1%water and 99% feelings. So a kind word from heart can save a life, can relight the dreams in soul even after we fall. ~ Farah Zoor 

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