Pain changes people

Pain changes people

The pain you feel in your heart changes everything.

Every experience changes people. We don’t need to let it change us for the worst.

Change for good in a positive way. Don’t let pain destroy yourself instead, consider this as a lesson from your mistake. ~ Andrea Malana 

Those of us with chronic pain understand this all too well. Everything in my world has changed in the last year. Sometimes strong doing it through tears. ~ Kathy Pound 

I try to make the changes good and in the right direction. I try to find a way to be happy, even though I live in almost pain. Perhaps we can learn to live in pain; and eventually we don’t feel the pain as severe as we felt it in the past. It’s still there, but that in our memory, over time; we find a way to live with it. ~ Sharon Kane 

Every pain you’ve been through gives more strength and will to face every difficulties and challenges in life.

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