When you are able to bless someone else

When you are able to bless someone else

When you are in pain you can bless others even more, as you know what they are going through.

Always bless someone else, even if you are struggling threw darkness too. Keep your faith and hope strong. Everyone needs to be blessed and loved! ~ Crystal Wade 

Every night when I go to bed, I always say my prayers. I also ask God to help others who are struggling, may it be children that have a very serious illness. I even pray for God to take me & let the children & others live because they all have families who love them. I also pray for my family, cousins, brother, his wife & nieces, nephews also my dogs! ~ Judy Massenzo 

That goes with no matter how bad your day seems, find one thing good about it even if it is that you’re alive. Always look for the positive, because as long as you can find it, you are going forward. ~ Denise Hecht 

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