Those people who don’t socialize much

Those people who don't socialize much

I’m not anti-social, just socially choosy! ~ John Miller 
It’s not fake people. We’re introverts! Don’t like small talk, has to be purposeful then we go home to read or whatever. ~ Marinell Smith 
Not all people who don’t socialize often are introverts. A lot of us are though. Either way, I don’t like to hang around with fake people. Those who are nice to your face and gossip about you behind your back, or the people who always try to one up everything someone says. Life isn’t supposed to be a competition or to always make others feel inferior. Life is meant to be lived with people you love to be around. So that’s what I do. Socialize with those who I love to be around. ~ Patricia Wiebe 
Work environments are full of people like that. Difficult thing is that work takes up a large proportion of people’s life. I have now separated myself from those types of people, not only for my well being but also for my sanity. However it does now pigeon hole me as the outsider as I won’t partake in their behaviors. I made a choice, to be myself not the person they want me to be! ~ Sooz Young 

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