Live in what is happening in your life

You cannot change the past let go. It’s keeping you stuck. Be Present in your life with kindness, moment by moment.

It isn’t as easy as most think it is for some. I have moved forward but it took quiet a few years. I am happy with me for most part although my hurt runs deep. I am totally physically disabled but I still try to do some. Don’t be so quick to judge people who have lost so much love and their health and left with no quality of life and get depressed sometimes. ~ Sherrie Ash 

The best way I can cope with powerlessness is to practice acceptance. What will be will be and although I know this, I don’t always remember. I guess it takes a lot of practice. ~ Joe Reirdon 

For some people, living in the past weights them down. Forgetting that and living in the now, and then you can dream about what you can do to make your future what you want. ~ Jen Lincoln 


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