Sometimes, sorry isn’t enough

Sometimes, sorry isn't enough

Sorry is a word. Some people cannot ever change.

Sorry is one of the most over used words in the dictionary to the point where it has no meaning. So if you are going to say it show that you mean it as well.

It is called living amends and changes the actions. Repeated apologies for the same repeated action mean nothing. Changing the offensive behavior, taking action, shows you are really sorry. Words do not when it happens again and again. Actions speak louder than words. ~ Denise Hecht 

You can forgive someone once, twice even three times but when they keep doing what the are saying sorry for over & over then you know they are not going to change so for your own self respect & worth you have to let them go no matter how much it hurts. ~ Lorraine Kratochwil 

Change is always part of being truly sorry. It includes taking actions to make it right.

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