People who deserve your silence

People who deserve your silence

Some are ungrateful what you always do for them, encourage them towards prayers & always giving your shoulder, give them more than your time but everything to them. When it gets serious, they lie n twist the truth. When things get serious they hide in their shell n deny the truth. Worse thing is twist the truth. Why not come face to face and speak the truth? Wasn’t it what you wanted? Obviously not. When you badly want something you fight for it from your heart but when you have a dark heart you hide in your shell. The ones who don’t discuss in person have a lot to hide and within faith all does get revealed.

Fake the oaths on lives. They play mind games. They don’t care. They accuse you of hurting them when truth comes out they hide away and show no concern.

When we truly believe in the one lord, put prayers into practice. He answers, sometimes not via what you want but reveals the truth even though its a tough pill to swallow.

Falsehood will come to an end. Truth will prevail in the end. You play with someones heart, try to hide tricks and lies. Dark hearted souls exists within a pretty face. It’s the reality if they cannot speak the truth then with what face will their face the one lord. The ones who don’t respect the lord how would they have morals & respect for others? Lie on God’s name. Undermine their religion rather than admitting the truth. Trying to hurt other one within their own? How does god reside in these dark hearts? These ones deserve silence. Rather be alone behind four walls than being played in many way possible. Live in silence!

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