You are treated by what you allow by others

You can't control how people will treat you

We have all the resources within us to succeed at anything we desire. You have the ability to rise up to any challenge, difficulty or condition as long as you use these resources and desires to your advantage. Set a new standard; not accepting the conditions of the bottom, but taking control and rising up to the level you know you deserve.

There are some people who keep arguing even if they know that they are wrong. So reacting to problems will make you loose a lot of time talking and loosing energy. Just make a distance from reacting with when it repeats itself. The globe is big. ~ Enanga Schall 

It doesn’t matter how good or bad a person, there will always people who will not like you. As long as you don’t harm someone just be what you are, do what you want they can think and say what they want, it’s your life. ~ Elena Escubio 

You are treated by what you allow by others. If you have respect for yourself, set clear boundaries of what is acceptable & what is not which sometimes some don’t like or understand then that’s their issue not yours. ~ Janet Paulo 

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